The Glow That Matters

Imagine "waking up with makeup" and not having to worry about accidentally smearing off your brows mid day, sweating your eyebrows off at the gym or filling in your brows while on vacation! It truly can be life changing. 
Learn about proper skin care & get more information on what you need to bring for certain hair appointments. All waxing products are made with high-quality, non-toxic ingredients
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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I come in?

  • For best body waxing results, I recommend coming in every 4 weeks; brow waxing every 6-8 weeks.
  • For best lash lifting & brow lamination results, I recommend coming in between 6-8 weeks for a fresh lift.
  • For permanent makeup, I recommend coming in between 12-24 months for a touch up.
  • For best skincare results, I recommend coming in every 2-8 weeks. Consult with your Esthetician at the end of every appointment for customized suggestions. 

All time frames are approximate and shall be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Can I wax while pregnant or during my cycle?

The short answer is yes! However, due to the hormone fluctuations your body experiences during this time, your wax may not be as comfortable.

  • During your cycle, you will be required to be clean & wear a tampon or menstrual cup. As always consult a medical doctor with questions.

Am I a good candidate for Microblading/ Powder Brows?

  • Anyone who wants to have full, gorgeous brows!
  • If you don't want to worry about having enough time to apply make up, sweating your brows off at the gym, or having hair loss due to a medical treatment or condition this is FOR YOU.
  • Provider will discuss best service option for candidate, if appropriate. 

Who may not be a good candidate:

  • Taking blood thinners
  • Skin irritations near the area such as sunburn or Psoriasis Taking sun sensitizing medications (including but not limited to Retinol/Retin-a/vitamin A)
    – these need to be stopped at least 2 weeks before the appointment)Botox within last 2 weeks Accutane within last year
  • History of keloid scarring
  • Auto-immune deficiencies
  • People suffering from severe acne
  • Pregnant women
  • Nursing women should discuss with their doctor
  • People with conditions that cause them to bleed very easily People with prior permanent makeup may not be good
  • Candidates for Mircoblading

It's my first time getting eyelash extensions, what should I expect?

  • Get ready to wake up feeling gorgeous!
  • Be able to lie on your back for 2.5- 3 hours.
  • If you are a contact lens wearer, I recommend removing them and bringing a case with solution or an extra pair of lenses or eye glasses.
  • Bring or send photos if you have seen a look that you like.
  • Don't drink caffeine prior to your appointment.
  • If you have anxiety or will have trouble keeping your eyes closed for a long period of time, consult a medical doctor to see if this is right for you.
  • Arrive in enough time to use the restroom and avoid drinking excessive amounts of liquids prior to your appointment.
  • A patch test is highly recommended 48 hours+ prior to your appointment.